Shushan Hovhannisyan was first introduced to knowledge of yoga by Pease Corps Volunteer Pamela Holmes in 2004. In 2007 she attended yoga teacher training course with certified Iyengar Instructor Francois Raoult, M.A. R.Y.T at Open Sky in Rochester, NY. From 2008 Shushan is taking part at Gabriella Giobilaro’s yearly seminars in many different countries. The seminar “From Foot to Hip” in States, which Shushan took in 2011, was focused on hip and lower back problems. Shushan has spent January of 2014 in Minsk, Belurus, studiing with experienced teachers of Ayengar yoga school.
Zarine Grigoryan received her yoga teacher certificate in Ashtanga yoga from Yagobov Yoga Institute, Los Angeles, USA. Zarine has been practicing yoga since 2004. She was introduced to yoga while studying Indian philosophy during her studies at the Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography. Zarine joined the team of Shoonch in the fall of 2009.
Nanor is a certified yoga instructor. She started practicing yoga since 2002. Her involvement in Shoonch yoga studio has woken up a desire to acknowledge the Yoga world deeper and to become a Yoga instructor. In January of 2008, she travelled to India and attended the renowned International Sivanada Yoga Vedanta Center in Trivandrium. When she was back she began teaching Sivananda yoga in Shoonch Yoga Studio.
Lucy is a professional ballerina graduated from Moscow State Academic Theatre of Dance, Russia. In 2002, after ending her ballet career on the stages of Armenian National Opera and Ballet Theatre she left for Moscow to train as a Pilates instructor and start her second career. In 2007 Lucy joind Shoonch's profetional team.
Vahe has been a sportsman since he was 7. His love of sports eventually took him in the direction of anatomy and massage therapy. In 1990 he qualified as a massage therapist at the Sports and Physical Education department of Moscow Medical School, Russia. Vahe is very creative and loves to experiment and explore with different massage types and techniques.
Lusine Davtyan graduated the College of Yerevan Haybusak University in 2009 and qualified as a nurse- massage therapist. In June of 2009 trained as a massage therapist in the Canadian International Academy in Armenia. Join Shoonch yoga studio in 2010:
Nare grauated from the Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov majoring in German and English. Nare joined Shoonch team from 2009 and since she is an active practitioner of Yoga and Piltes.
Lusine Hovhannisyan started practicing yoga since 2013 at Shoonch Yoga Studio. She recived her yoga teacher certificate in Vinyasa Yoga fom Shoonch Yoga Studio. Lusine joined Shoonch team in 2015.